My partner and I stopped off in Harrogate after a snowy drive from Bowness in the Lake District across the dales and through the mountains. We were en route to York and found this place via a search on Trip Advisor and although it was a teeny bit tricky to locate (it was Sunday and the shop entrance was closed so we found the small entrance beside the phone box on Oxford Street after a phone call to the venue), and it was bloomin' lovely! 


The staff members were super friendly and welcoming... The décor simple and farmhouse-y (which was the overall theme, in fact there was a lovely back story on the table mats - although I would love to know what became of the owner's mum) and the food, well, it was just awesome. 

I had the roasted whole poussin & my other half, the roast beef with Yorkshire puddings and all the trimmings. We weren't disappointed. The roasted root veg were great, almost honey-like in their sweetness, you could taste the purity in flavour and the provenance was obviously local and organic too. The Yorkshire puddings were massive and perfectly puffed. The wines were all organic and really flavoursome. 

All in all I would give an 8/10; and the 2 points off are only because I like a softer seat when I am eating - so I am being super fussy and maybe unkind as I wasn't uncomfortable at all. And the theme was, as I said, farmhouse kitchen - and most farmhouse kitchen chairs are wooden and hard of course... 

In short - our overall rating was... 

Food = 10/10, staff 10/10, atmosphere the same :-) 

Well done team. A lovely simple and wholesome meal.
